You are ONE Reidy- Pie! Your first year of life was incredible and each and every day you amazed us with something new! We are beyond excited to continue this journey of life with you and support and love in every way we can with all we have!
You love to try to snap your fingers to the music. You say "ducky" and "stick."
You go straight to the gate to go upstairs when Mommy gets home from work, knowing her routine of going upstairs to put on jammies and for Dad when he gets home you take him straight to his guitar since you love when he plays with you. You love books now , numbers and lights..turning them on and off obsessively. Favorite toys are baking racks( dragging them around to various places in house), Mom and Dad's I-phones and your duck puppet( from Uncle Steve and Jennifer). You have learned to blow on food when hot and also interpret the steam from the dryer vent outside to be hot and attempt to blow that too. You love to turn on radio and hint for us to turn on radio often by snapping fingers and bending knees while clapping.
You are officially a hair twirler like your Auntie Beth! You try to jump, but often get no air and fall over with most attempts. You hide items all around the house. You have figured out how to balance your books on your broken sound machine to make it work like Mommy and Daddy do. You can entertain yourself in your crib for a while before and after sleeping by taking lid off out your pale of books and reading them to yourself. You love kicking and throwing your ball and Grandpa Klein thinks you have great hand eye coordination:) You can now say ball, cheese, fish, shoes, socks and bird. You're first 2 word sentence with some imagination " Lights off."You can crawl down stairs backwards safely.
Auntie Christina's Wedding Day!
Daddy's 30th and Grandpa Klein's 87th!
Uncle Dan teaching you how to be a cool dude like him and how to have fun in this life like choosing to wear powder blue blazers and wearing your hat backwards. One of his favorite quotes:
"Don't take life too seriously, always find time to laugh! Laughter not only adds years to your life, but adds more life to your years!"
Running full force at him with his hat on!

You love brushing your teeth and can say "teeth." You are a great hugger and often tap on our backs while you give us one and Grampy Vincent taught you how to kiss with the sound effect of "Muwwah."You are exceptionally good at hide and seek...we have actually lost you in the house a few times and your Grandpa Klein actually thought you walked out the front door one time because you were hiding so well. You are a very good block stacker and fork user. You try to play with the big kids now, fake laugh and gasp and are obsessed with playing with the sink faucet. You stand and sway in crib with head buried in our chests, as Mommy and Daddy sing you to sleep at night.
2nd Christmas
You chat it up while leafing through adds in paper while lying on back to admire great deals and love a good magazine for the entertaining articles:) You can shoot and score with the bathtub basketball( from Auntie Christina) and love playing with your letters while bathing too and can surprisingly recognize many of them! Your favorite toy right now is your T- Rex( from Auntie Bee)who you love to share your food and drink with. You are quite talented musically and can play multiple guitars at the same time, all while playing maracas and can also play a mean flute. You wave goodbye to the Christmas tree before naps and bedtime. You can now point to belly button, ears and eyes and instead of chest bumping you like to "belly bump" into all the furniture around the house. You are a little afraid of your cousin Nathan because he likes to use you as a support by the collar to stand his larger framed body on (You weigh the same..he is just 5 months younger:))You love your Lima beans like your Daddy and enjoy rubbing food into your extremely rapidly growing locks. Could read your ABC book from Auntie Bee over and over.
You have discovered the thrill of jumping down stoop into fireplace room and even ramping down in with your scooter from Auntie Beth. Mommy and Daddy have been shocked by all the words you can point to in your "First 100 Words," book (Robot, candles). You quickly answer "yes " to the question of " Do you understand" when being reprimanded thinking you will get off hook by just saying what we want to hear. You stand with hands clasped behind back sometimes while standing in front of TV. Your favorite TV shows are "Super Why" because they focus on letters and reading in show and the staple "Sesame Street" (You think Telly and Cookie Monster are pretty cool). You have picked up on Mommy's obsessive cleaning habits and find enjoyment in picking up little particles on floor to throw in trash, wipe off floor when given a paper towel and attempts to sweep with broom and holds dust pan. You say Yak and can point to it in book. You love opening ( and can say "open") top drawer of desk in kitchen and have been known to distract by giving Mommy another item and then grab and run off with chap stick to hiding place between couch and wall in front room to try to eat it. You can say "This tall," when we lift our hands up high. You love coloring and stickers and can do pretty good animal noises of a cow, cat and dog. You ate and ENTIRE apple ( core and seeds)! It was discovered on a trip to Columbus that you have inherited your Mom's motion sickness while reading in car..unfortunate for all. You like to say "beep, beep, beep" when coming through on scooter. You have learned to say "ouchy" and overuse it a bit at times, especially when you got your first spank on bucky after kicking and said it at least 20 times after and made your Mom cry more than you...well played buddy...will likely never get the spank again.You also love to say "Ut-Oh" for everything. You are a big guy now and walk down stairs using handrail, but still prefer a hand which we are more than happy to give you. Stopped using bink cold turkey. Super Grover taught you how to say "Hi- YA," which you say often while catapulting off objects. Tick- tock clock is one of your favorite phrases now as you point to clocks. Some other favorite words are Go( thanks to Auntie Bee), House/Home, Owl, Help, Heart
( which your Dada is especially proud of since he struggled with that one as a little boy;)), App (apple). You have mastered the cheesy smile on cue, can say stinky ( again thanks to Auntie Bee) most of the time after you've filled your pants and hold your nose all the while looking like you had nothing to do with the stench. You love Lucky Charms and will pretty much do anything for a "Marsh" ( mallow). Uncle Paul saved you from falling down all our stairs ( He literally caught you mid- air) because you sometimes think you don't need the handrail. You absolutely love Robots and says BOTS to watch the ones on Sesame or the Wallie sketch and you say goodnight to Mommy's Bot Mop. Your friend Alaina likes to call you Muggy Pie and Muddy Pie now because Mommy still calls you Reidy- pie a lot and that is what she thought I was saying. You love getting the corn muffin mix box out of the pantry and say " Hungry" thinking they are just stuffed in that tiny box all ready to eat.
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