Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gender Reveal

March 31st, 2012 was your Mommy's 30th birthday and by far the most memorable of all because of you! Daddy and I went for your anatomy ultrasound on March 23rd  and had so much fun seeing you again!  You obviously didn't realize what a big day it was for us because you yawned and lazily stretched for your toes above your head... then fell back asleep  :) We, on the other hand, were on edge with excitement and reluctantly turned our heads when we got to the part where we could tell if you were a boy or girl.
The technician said within seconds of us turning our heads that she knew what you were! Mommy was convinced from that point on that you were a boy, and Daddy still thought maybe you were a girl. But all we had to look at was your little foot to make our guesses :) We took the secret results to the bakery instantly after the appointment and had a cake made for you with the surprise of your gender inside--represented by either pink or blue!

We had so much fun decorating for the party!

 All your family either wore pink or blue--and some innovative outfits of large diapers and headbands were worn as well :) Even "precious moments" cards were worn by the Rosenbergs to represent a very " precious moment" back when your mom was little herself.   She climbed  up your Great Grandma Klein's  shelf of Precious Moments  and caused many of them to come crashing down, shattering everywhere!

Back to the our party, everyone then  selected either a  mustache if they thought you were a boy and red lips if they thought girl !

                  You're Great Grandpa Klein always manages to get the bunny ears in :) 

Aunt Kateri read aloud some fun old wives tales which concluded by a close margin that you were to be a BOY!

Then we did two more tests with a key and wedding band and both of those confirmed BOY!

Grandma Klein's  kindergarten class all voted and thought you would be a BOY!

 Despite the crowd leaning towards you being a girl all the odds were pointing to you being a BOY... and MOST importantly Mommy really thought you were a BOY :)

 Drum roll..........

You're .............



Tears of joy overwhelmed your Mom, and Dad really needed to confirm these results before truly celebrating, so we opened the envelope from your ultrasound and there is was ...the little turtle sign! 

Then your father couldn't stop smiling his proud father smile!


Even all of Mom's work friends overwhelming voted that you were a BOY!

(Doesn't your dad look funny with his long, nose hair mustache? :)  )

You were the most incredible surprise birthday gift Baby Boy and you're Mommy and Daddy  are having so much fun and couldn't be any happier to get to know more about you each day!!!!!!

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