19 Months
You chant show now when you want to watch something on the TV or our Phones
( a time or 2 at 3 am ), can say "Hi" and "Bye" really well on the phone now as you hold it to your ear all by yourself and you love Bert and the Count from Sesame and will laugh like the count does "Ahh, Ahh, Ahhh." You say snow, Gracie, most of your letters and the sounds to go with them, star and Big Truck( from playing at Kleinville and seeing them in the field). You love wearing other peoples shoes and take it as a challenge the bigger and more difficult they are to walk in and the crazy thing is you CAN actually walk in them. You watched your first full Movie, "Frozen," and you shake your head like Sven the reindeer. You fell on one of the cracks in between the side walk, so now you overcompensate a tad and you slow down to take massive steps or jump over each one. You love dip of any sort
20 Months
You ate soap, love to sway dance to music in your high chair while you eat and are an awesome Eggie finder ( had quite the practice participating in 6 Easter Egg Hunts total). You are still terrified of going to the Doctor's Office and clapped after each part of the exam saying " All done" and using your sign language for it too, really trying everything you could to end it early.
21 Months
You said your first 3 word sentence at the Brayler's House while playing with their dog you said "It's a Dog." You are finally interested in the potty and you think it's pretty fun, but still have the sequence a bit off and fill your diaper and then run to potty to flush. You did pee on it once, but only because you sat there for 20 minutes reading your books. You learned how to apply your own hair gel...a bit on the generous side and then had your favorite toy, you little green scooter, ready right outside the bathroom as your get away car. You say "Chocolette" ( chocolate) like you are French and "Nilcky" Milky" like you are German. You can say heart and point to the left side of you chest and your second partial sentence was " Roar sleep night," while reading a book about dinosaurs going to bed. You say "Shhh, be quiet," with fingers to lips and had your first ER visit with xrays when flying forward off a swing, but only a strained leg. You say "ENT", for Ant and are very good at pointing out the few that make it inside which is quite convenient. Did we mention how good you are at you scooter! All over the place with that thing and super fast. You think Mr. Rogers is "Pa" for Grandpa, but we are unsure which one you are referring to, you say "one" and hold up your finger now to say just one more and your new favorite show is "Thomas the Tank Engine," who we got to go see and ride thanks to Great Grandma Bevan. You love to eat Egg Whites, carrots and french fries and can even anticipate fries the moment we pull into a Wendy's by chanting "Fries." Love saying and using your shovel, you do tickle fingers in the air prior to being tickled and have gotten very good at using our phones and can find Dada's name on Mommy's favorites and can specifically call him. You have called and pranked many people as well two of your favorites being Auntie Christina and Grammy and Grampy. You can say and point out the color purple( your favorite), orange and yellow. You say "I'm cold," and make a strained, wide eyed face and will only lick cold things because you don't like big bites of cold...even ice cream. You say "Thank You" perfectly now and are Mr. Independent and will stare in the distance and give us a wave goodbye to let us know you are done with our assistance and we may walk away. May 24 th was the first day that you went into the nursery at Church without crying to try to get us to stay. You love to color and will repeat the word color over and over while you are doing it. You also recently discovered side walk chalk and now will chant that. You used to say ," Ya, Ya, Ya" emphatically in affirmation to questions and now you just as passionately respond " YES!" You somehow got your tiny fingers into the child locked desk drawer and colored our kitchen and living room floor and yourself with white out.
22 Months
When given a craisin you through it on the ground and stomped on it , saying "Ant." You can tell the difference between Dada and Momma hairs found on the ground and report to us whose it is quickly followed by a "yuck." You recognize when a baby is crying and get very concerned, call the groundhogs and birds in our backyard " cute" when you see them and you really dislike bugs and say " Blah" when you see them...even butterflies. Mommy probably should tone her reaction to bugs down a notch because you certainly do not like them and in fact when reading your "Five Little Honeybees" book you say "Bee's, shock you," and throw yourself to the ground covering you eyes dramatically. You love "woof , woofs" and goats though! You love your "Digger," new show of the month is "Veggie Tales" and you will ask for "Veggies," and you can count to 4 , but are very good at saying "two" when we say just one more time. We surprised Dada with the news of your new baby brother or sister by taping you going through your letter puzzle and when you got to the letter"B" you said "Baby!" You say "ohhhhkayyy" and "there!" after placing something where you want it or have completed a task. "What's that?" is your new favorite phrase, but you also love saying "Right here," "Squito (Mosquito)," "Diggy ,"( for Backhoe) and will pretty much attempt to repeat the last word we say in every sentence. "Awesome" and "Boom Booms" came with enjoying the 4th of July Fireworks in which you attempted to say every color as it appeared the the sky with purple being your favorite! Love Wrestling and you hair remains out of control!
23 Months
You are extremely entertaining and are talking a ton now to where we can actually understand most of what your saying! You are a danger boy at the park and love walking up the Teter Toter and attempting to balance in middle sliding backwards and walking up slide and leaning back or on belly when swinging. You now say "I'm sad," and will curl up on the ground..this reaction was first prompted by your grasshopper friend hopping away, pretty serious stuff. You love certain bugs now , but spiders still from a distance or with a stick in hand( thanks to your mother). You like to throw , but your wind up is so intense you usually end up throwing the ball backwards and not very far. You express your frustration now through silent tantrums that involve a quick hit of an inanimate object and then throw self on ground, prostrate without a sound or biting your own hand ( which we are trying to put an end to). You say, " I'm Messy," when you want a napkin which is often because you don't like stickiness or dirtiness on your hands( again thanks to your Mother). You love putting the back of your hand to your mouth to make the sound of a toot on our legs, Love the "Usher ABC," Sesame Street song and will chant "Usher" to watch it. You will ask for "Church," strangely on the weekends only when we are in the car as if you know it is the weekend. Love saying and taking Bubble Baths and eating "Tia's" (tortillas). You went to the doctor with us to hear the baby's first heart beat and you now say ,"Baby loud",and make the sound of a heart beat! You ask to see the baby's picture daily and hug, kiss and put on blanket on Mommy's belly for the baby as you say, "Awh, cute baby". You say "Hot Dog," in a silly voice as you sit at island in kitchen as if your at a hot dog stand and then laugh. You love to try to tell jokes and laugh at ours and one of your favorites is when the Letter Y on sesame street says ,"WhYYY not," so you will go around saying , "Mommy...WhYYYYY Not!" You refer to yourself as ,"Reidy," love fake sleeping and snoring in Mommy and Daddy's bed and chant things like "Markers", "Great Grandma", and "Baby" and are really good at singing " You are My Sunshine" (Uncle Alex's rendition starting with "Ohhh Sun..Owww") and " Twinkle , Twinkle." You love swimming, sprinklers, putting clips in your hair, pushing carts, riding bikes and driving cars! Ask to watch "Wallie," everyday!
2 Years
You are a bit obsessed with Chap stick and play a game with yourself saying " Chap stick..where are you?" and ask for it multiple times a day ,so we have limited it to before bed after you brush you teeth (It has strangely become your lovie). You announced you were going to be a big brother at your 2nd Robot themed birthday party after opening a wrapped present of the framed ultrasound picture. You were a smidgen distracted by your cake that you had just had an icing filled finger of so you were a little delayed in saying "Baby" when asked what the framed picture was to reveal to everyone, but you did say it and then we put your "Big Bro- bot," Shirt on which shocked Grampy Vincent who had gone to get a spoon! ( Also distracted by the cake:)). When asked what the baby is you consistently have said "Girl," or "Sister!" You seem pretty convinced. You FINALLY let Dada cut your hair without screaming your head off the entire time...in fact you liked it and asked for more "cutting," the next day. We have found you will do anything for a marshmallow cone with sprinkles. You adore Butterscotch pudding now, will ask for a "Princess Show," to watch when wanting one of the Disney Classics. You applied your own grape hair gel in abundance again and this time tasted it as well. Some favorite phrases of yours are: "Oh Boy,"Night Bot," "There, all better ( especially after you've misbehaved)." When reading your favorite book "No David," you associate the gold clock with Grammy's house, all donuts with Grampy and Airplanes, Zekey and "the mixer" with Grandma and Papa's house. You painted your first picture all by yourself and called it "Boom, Booms
( fireworks). You call your blue hatchback car with flames Daddy's car and think PT Cruisers are super cool. You say " Not sleepy yet to avoid naps and bedtime and " excuse you" instead of excuse me. You mistook a glue stick for chap stick and applied to lips, Love running, especially with Daddy and say " I'm running," the entire time and can impressively run the entire mile loop in neighborhood. You ask for a "hand" to hold in car often, love "bumper" Auntie Christina's cat and Mater from cars is a favorite. Some new phrases are "Gosh, Wait a Minute, cool man, careful Mommy and Daddy,"and your favorite is "Baby soon?" And you responded once to yourself asking "Baby soon ,"with "6 hrs." You think Nora can eat hamburgers and seem very excited to meet her because you hug and kiss Mommy's belly many times a day and say "Cute baby Nora!" Finally, at 27 months you had an actual haircut at a salon that you enjoyed with many distractions of bubbles, suckers and monster trucks, but you did it!
11.27.14 You said "Uncle Dan right here," as Daddy was backing out of Grammy and Grampy's driveway Thanksgiving Day and then said " light or white" and "Black Tie" when asked what he looked like . The next day when Mommy asked you about seeing Uncle Dan you said " White, like snowman."
You absolutely love making "Nanna" bread with Grandma, have called mommy and Daddy by their first names and are pretty concerned about your hangnails and ask to have them trimmed often.
12.17.14 You slept through the night in your big boy bot bed, but napping has not been so easy since you want to play with all your toys in your room. Daddy smelled Irish Spring scent on your breath and discovered you ate soap again and when asked where it was you responded, " Hmmm...let me think( as you tapped your finger on your cheek)....I know, I've got it....trash and pointed to trash can." You told Auntie Rachel when asked about your eyes being watery that you just drank to much water. Macaroni and Cheese, oatmeal and fruit snacks are some of your favorite foods. You love playing "baseball player" with anything you can swing, obsessed with playing with the kitchen sink faucet and favorite shows are " Mater's Tales " and " Veggie Tales." You announce you are " leaving" and walk it off when frustrated and are a super sensitive guy and if you see Mommy or Daddy hurt will say " Sorry Mommy or Daddy " and give us kisses and absolutely can't let Mommy and Daddy hug without sandwiching between us! You are very good at counting to 20, singing the alphabet song and knowing your colors and refer to yourself as the "big one," instead of big boy! You love your cookie monster, brushing your teeth, playing the air guitar, sipping warm drinks playing Grammy's keyboard and wearing Mommy's shoes. You attempt to put Mommy to sleep when she lays to nap with you by rubbing her face and saying "Go to sleep lil girl."
( fireworks). You call your blue hatchback car with flames Daddy's car and think PT Cruisers are super cool. You say " Not sleepy yet to avoid naps and bedtime and " excuse you" instead of excuse me. You mistook a glue stick for chap stick and applied to lips, Love running, especially with Daddy and say " I'm running," the entire time and can impressively run the entire mile loop in neighborhood. You ask for a "hand" to hold in car often, love "bumper" Auntie Christina's cat and Mater from cars is a favorite. Some new phrases are "Gosh, Wait a Minute, cool man, careful Mommy and Daddy,"and your favorite is "Baby soon?" And you responded once to yourself asking "Baby soon ,"with "6 hrs." You think Nora can eat hamburgers and seem very excited to meet her because you hug and kiss Mommy's belly many times a day and say "Cute baby Nora!" Finally, at 27 months you had an actual haircut at a salon that you enjoyed with many distractions of bubbles, suckers and monster trucks, but you did it!
11.27.14 You said "Uncle Dan right here," as Daddy was backing out of Grammy and Grampy's driveway Thanksgiving Day and then said " light or white" and "Black Tie" when asked what he looked like . The next day when Mommy asked you about seeing Uncle Dan you said " White, like snowman."
You absolutely love making "Nanna" bread with Grandma, have called mommy and Daddy by their first names and are pretty concerned about your hangnails and ask to have them trimmed often.
12.17.14 You slept through the night in your big boy bot bed, but napping has not been so easy since you want to play with all your toys in your room. Daddy smelled Irish Spring scent on your breath and discovered you ate soap again and when asked where it was you responded, " Hmmm...let me think( as you tapped your finger on your cheek)....I know, I've got it....trash and pointed to trash can." You told Auntie Rachel when asked about your eyes being watery that you just drank to much water. Macaroni and Cheese, oatmeal and fruit snacks are some of your favorite foods. You love playing "baseball player" with anything you can swing, obsessed with playing with the kitchen sink faucet and favorite shows are " Mater's Tales " and " Veggie Tales." You announce you are " leaving" and walk it off when frustrated and are a super sensitive guy and if you see Mommy or Daddy hurt will say " Sorry Mommy or Daddy " and give us kisses and absolutely can't let Mommy and Daddy hug without sandwiching between us! You are very good at counting to 20, singing the alphabet song and knowing your colors and refer to yourself as the "big one," instead of big boy! You love your cookie monster, brushing your teeth, playing the air guitar, sipping warm drinks playing Grammy's keyboard and wearing Mommy's shoes. You attempt to put Mommy to sleep when she lays to nap with you by rubbing her face and saying "Go to sleep lil girl."