Sunday, January 29, 2012

Telling The Families

We wanted to announce you in a special way to the rest of the family and our friends, so we came up with three different ideas to share the great news! We spontaneously  told Grammy and Grampy Vincent over a Frosty at the fine diner known as Wendy's.  We met them for dinner on January 24th after your first picture on ultrasound because we could not contain our excitement!  We gave them an anniversary card thanking them for being amazing parents and grandparents....and that's when Grammy knew!

That Friday of the same week we went to visit your Uncle Paul, Aunt Kateri and cousin Chole and had some delicious pasta dinner with asparagus : )  We played a game called Telestrations that involved going around a circle drawing and guessing clues. . .we began with the clue of "baking cookies" and it changed to  fried eggs and pancakes  (with great detail from P) and finally to "Cara has a bun in the oven!!!!!"  The puzzled, shocked and elated faces were priceless!                        

We had so much fun sharing you with others this way we decided to use this tactic again the following Saturday night at your adopted Auntie Christina and Uncle Andy's house. This time you were a man ordering  pizza before you were discovered  : )

You were finally unveiled to the rest of the family on January 29th, 2012 for your Grandma Klein's 59th birthday party at Great Grandma and Grandpa Klein's house!  Since puzzling is a part on the Klein family culture we decided to use this and  your Grandma Klein's love for blimps as the vehicle for your surprise announcement! It took a bit of strategy and a lot of hard work not to giggle, which I did not do a great job at suppressing.  But after the blimp was complete, and after no one noticed the message for what seemed like an hour (probably more like 2 minutes)  Grandma Klein finally read that you were coming in August! 
She said, "Does that say what I think it says?" and then proceeded to hug me (and tell me that my face looked fuller : )   ) Your Grandpa Klein and the rest of the family loved the "puzzling" way we revealed you, and many hugs and kisses were given to you and I at that time! Your Aunt Bethany couldn't believe that you were already 13 weeks old, Uncle Josh made some humorous remark like "I thought it still said Goodyear," and Aunt Rachel took over the room with her shouts of joy! 

Later, we sent the picture of the blimp  to Aunt Beth, Uncle Gabe, Aunt Tori and  Uncle Dan.  There was mass confusion as to why we were sending a blimp picture, but after a while the "It's a Baby!" message was discovered and lots of love was sent your way!

Here you are on your 13th week birthday, the day after the big Klein party( Jan. 30th) and you must have really been energized by all of the excitement and  Great Grandma Klein's amazing, zillion layered lasagna and garlic hot dog bun bread because you were a little jumping bean! I couldn't help but cry when I  saw you kicking your tiny  legs up in the air! You are already so incredible and amaze us each day with each little puzzle piece of yourself that you give us to put together  : )

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

First Ultrasound

January 24th, 2012 was the first time we ever layed eyes on you and we instantly felt so much love for you <3

We went early in the morning for the first appointment of the day, and we had to wait in the chilly car for the doctor's office to open up! When we finally made it in the room, I couldn't see you on the screen from where I was lying, so I relied on your dad's face to tell me what he saw on the ultrasound. And let me tell you,  I received all the confirmation I needed from his  gaping, widemouth-bass-smile!  I couldn't help but start laughing uncontrollably which led to swiftly being  scolded by the ultrasound technician that I needed to relax. 

Thanks a lot you two!

It was absolutely breath taking to see you sleeping at that time with your one tiny hand to your head and the other to your mouth and your heart calmly beating at a rate of 147.   Dad claims he can already visualize his curly feet trait in your little limbs, but  we will have to wait and see!