Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning Suprise For Daddy

 Christmas morning of 2011 was by the far the most exciting of all Christmas mornings! After I came home from work, we ate yummy eggies and little buttered toast Christmas trees that your dad made while I got ready for opening presents.  Then we ate our favorite breakfast rolls from Grandma Klein and we were ready for presents!

Sadly, your dad had already ruined not just one but both of his surprise gifts  by discovering them prior to Christmas Day (tickets to "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me," live show in Chicago and an espresso machine for the retired barista) , so I made sure to lay it on thick that he had ruined all the surprises and basically Christmas.    :)   Funny mommy.

 But then.... I went to the bathroom and came out with a bow around my waist and a tag that said...
To: Adam.
"Do not open until the summer of 2012!"

And that initial genuine, shocked reaction (if you can believe it, way more shocked than the fake espresso machine surprise-face above...eyes twice as big and a smile five times wider. . .wild!)

. . .along with joyous tears, it most certainly made up for the lack of surprise for the first two gifts!

You were the Best  Christmas gift we could have ever received!

Your first  (secret)   annual Christmas cousins picture
                                            at Great Grandma and Grandpa Klein's house!

Friday, December 16, 2011


December 16th, 2011 right before attending a friend's "Ugly Sweater" Christmas Party (as shown below by the VERY ugly sweaters... mainly dad's.)  I took a test and it confirmed that you were real!

Somehow, I kept this a secret from your Dad for  9 whole days because I wanted you to be his surprise gift on Christmas morning!